My Thoughts on The Current Public Health Concern…
“A machine that runs on a wide variety of fuels, emits on recyclable or biodegradable materials, accepts a wide range of informational inputs, performs amazing feats of data processing, and produces a wide variety of output functions may just be the ultimate machine…This machine is the human body.” – George Piotrowski of the University of Florida in Compressed Air Magazine.
Germs are everywhere, everyday, in every part of lives. Viruses, pathogens, bacteria are naturally a part of our ecosystem.
The human body (the ultimate machine) was meticulously designed by a Creator with innate immune system, and a well-adaptive immune system to constant changes. (Psalm 139:14).

Meaning, we are made to fight viruses, bacteria, pathogens in an incredible way. But we must provide the body with the proper conditions to do so. That’s why boosting your immune system is one of the most beneficial ways you can withstand this public health scare. Watch my video here to learn my favorite ways to boost your immune system.
Next, let’s not panic. Think of this: the media, the news, the television, the Facebook feed, the newspaper – these are PAID promotional industries that control what we think, buy, sell, believe, understand by what stories they run. If we did not have social media, we would have no idea that there was even a health scare currently. And we would be still in the midst of cold and flu season, still washing our hands, still trying to eat healthy and exercise and so forth.
“The news media are not successful in telling us what to think, but they do succeed in telling us what to think about.” – PUBMED study
The ongoing “stories” you hear influence your thinking to wonder, “What if?” “What if I get it?” “What if it happens to me?” and invoke a fear response.

But consider this:
- 35,000 people die each year from the common cold (they don’t report about that)
- 700,000 people die each year from influenza (haven’t seen that news story)
- Nearly 1.25 MILLION people die each year from car accidents!!!
So you are more likely to die from that quick text you send while driving than you are from a virus. Again, our bodies are amazing. If we don’t text and drive, we have better eye focus and brain cognition to avoid a crash. If we wash our hands and eat balanced meals, we have an incredible chance of not catching a virus.
And a word on hand sanitizer:
Triclosan, a known carcinogen, estrogenic substance, and harmful chemical to your thyroid is in all the Purell, Germ-x, and commercial hand sanitizers and while it does kill the bad bugs, it also kills all your good bugs. Meaning that, without the good guys on your skin (your skin microbiome) you won’t be able to fight against external and environmental factors, nor will you be able to keep inflammation in check, promote wound healing, or have any sort of barrier to certain allergens and environmental toxins. What should you do instead of hand sanitizer? Here’s a couple tips:
- Simply wash with soap and water. A natural soap is all you need to stuff off the bacteria or virus that landed on your or that you touched.
- Avoid touching your face, mouth, food, or eyes until you have washed your hands.
- Consider making your own hand sanitizing spray with lemon essential oil, clove essential oil, rosemary essential oil and add a few drops of each to small spray bottle with water or fractioned oil.
And remember the commercials and ads on all these media channels? They make money the more you watch, so the more dramatic they can make the story, the more they know the bucks are rolling in.
Now I’m not down-playing the fact that there are real health concerns for many people currently. Those with compromised immune systems, auto-immune conditions, and weak, frail humans would do well to stay away from crowds, avoid public areas, but not any more than they already need to. In addition, they would do well to do all they could to boost their immunity and their thyroid to aid in the bodies ability to withstand an attack. Those with thyroid issues I highly recommend beginning a regimen of a natural desiccated thyroid glandular, such as this one. (And save 10% with my code: JODELLE).
Bottom line is this:
… over-prepare and then go with the flow. Do what you can to have on hand the things you need to prepare for anything. Anything can change in this world at any time, not just this kind of stuff. A world-wide recession, a war, a natural disaster can happen at anytime. So perhaps preparing a “go bag” with essentials like flashlights, non-perishable food, medicines, extra clothes, water, blankets, etc for just such emergencies could give you peace of mind knowing you have done all you can to prepare. Having a family meeting about what to do in emergencies is also a good idea.
Proverbs 28:26 says, “Whoever trusts in his own heart is stupid (yes, the Bible uses this word!), but the one who walks in wisdom will escape.”

So my advice for the coming weeks:
- Turn off the news. If it only causes you stress and miss beautiful sunrises and sunsets then it’s doing more harm to your immune system than helping it.
- Get off social media. EMF radiation depletes your mitochondria which are the energy factories in your cells that help you fight illness.
- Spend time with those you love. We may have tomorrow, so use today wisely with those in your life.
- Take time to meditate or pray today. Prayer can calm an anxious heart. Meditating on your favorite word, phrase, scripture, or affirmation can help you feel more grounded.
- And speaking of grounding…get grounded. By connecting to the earth we can calm a stress response in our body, boosting our immune system, and provide our bodies with necessary free electrons.

I hope this calms your fears, eases your anxieties, and lessens your load after reading. I’m here if you have questions so reach out anytime through my contact page.
Hi Jodelle, John Barkhausen here. I’m writing here because I can see another way to contact you; I have enjoyed your interviews with Ray Peat for their great content, but the sound quality does not do him or your excellent interviews justice. If you were interested you can contact me for some advice on how to do inexpensive but pretty high quality audio interviews. I have had problems myself over the years to say the least. Meanwhile thanks for your excellent work! John
Hi Jodelle, John Barkhausen here. I’m writing in this forum because I can’t see where there’s a place to contact you otherwise. I was hoping you’d be open to talking about how to improve the sound quality of your very excellent interviews with Ray Peat. I have some low cost ideas that would make future interviews much more pleasant to listen to. Your content is fantastic, but the recording technique needs teching up….if you’re interested , you can reach me at Meanwhlle thanks for your work! John