My Top 25 Health Tips for 2023
As I always say, I call my business Get Fit WITH Jodelle because I’m always looking for ways to continue to GET FIT and optimize my health. So I encourage you to join me as I share my top 25 tips to GET FIT with me in 2023 ……
- Start your day with one hour of learning and self nourishment – Every morning I have one podcast downloaded or one article downloaded or one spiritually focused reading that I start my day with to learn how to navigate life better. I don’t turn the phone on for at least 1 hour so I can focus on educating myself when my brain is turning on! Don’t have an hour? What about 15 minutes? What about 5 minutes? Read something inspirational or listen to a 5 minute podcast to keep learning and growing!
- Delete social media apps – Are you addicted to Insta-feed? Technology can be a time suck and a stress-inducer. What would you do if you didn’t have social media on your device? Would you use your device less and have less emf and blue light? Research shows that EMF and blue-light actually raise our blood sugar! That’s right – you might actually lose fat by using your phone less and saving it only for calls and texts.
- Date nights! With yourself or your significant other – device free. Oxytocin is our love hormone that expresses every time we hug someone or calm ourselves down. What could you do outside of the standard dinner date? What about baking a pie together while one person is blind-folded? What about a float tank therapy session?
- De-clutter your life. Less stuff means less to be concerned over. Take a day and clean out the pantry, clean out your home of stuff you don’t need or haven’t used in the last year. Less stress means less stress hormones which means fat loss!
- Look at the upside of the stress – what is your trial teaching you? Stress can be a positive if we choose to look at it as growth and adventure in learning rather than demise. What can you do for others during your stressor to pay positivity forward. As the saying goes, “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.”
- Cleanse with pure, mineral-rich water. I don’t do 30 day cleanses, or liver cleanses. I drink pure filtered water daily and I add magnesium, potassium and other electrolytes to it, to drive minerals into my cells. This is a comfortable, calming daily cleanse that replenishes your whole insides like an inner bath. Mineralize your water with natural sole’ (overnight Himalayan salt soaked in filtered water and then add 1 tbsp to your daily water).
- Try molecular hydrogen water. My ION Hydrogen glass water bottle generator s something I am loving that makes the water much my hydrating and electron-rich in my cells. Our bodies run on electrons, so adding electrons to our water along with minerals, energizes our cells – which means more energy for life!
- Avoid “MIND CONSTIPATION” with junk information. Do you fill your days with television news, social media rants, conflicting information on Youtube? Does your mind feel constipated and you have trouble concentrating, brain fog, or mental fatigue? Maybe you need silence the noise and get out in nature. Nature can be calming to the brain and body.
- Can you sit with yourself with nothing? No device, no music, no book, just sit and breathe. I love to lay down on a blanket and look at the sky with no distractions needed. Just feeling my breath and letting my body, brain and muscles calm down. We are chronically stimulated in today’s world so you have to manually “press the off button” sometimes.
- Pay yourself and set up some rewards for goals met (invest in you). Want to plan a trip but need extra funds? Pay yourself every time you go to the gym or go for a walk. Set aside a tip jar for yourself every time you nourish yourself with a healthy meal or snack. Leave your tip jar where you can see it and tip yourself when you fulfill a healthy tip as mentioned here! Then reward yourself with something nice!
- Get some “Vitamin P” – pleasure, passion, purpose, playtime. What are you passionate about? What fulfills you and brings you purpose? What is playtime for you? For me it’s paddleboarding. Every time I go my mood elevates, my nervous system calms down, and my brain de-clutters. What does that for you?
- Get some more “Vitamin G” – grounding, or earthing. Putting your bare feet on the earth, in water, on concrete, or anything that connects you to the earth. The earth gives off free electrons (think energy) for our cells and calms inflammation in the body.
- Create a test kitchen trying new foods that could make healthy eating more doable and delicious (winter is great for this when it’s cold and your stuck inside. Go on a grocery store adventure of new foods you haven’t tried cooking with and see what happens! Have you tried Jicama? It’s one of my favorite veggies! Trying something fun and new is like a food-vacation and an adventure in nourishing yourself!
- Walk after meals. Studies show that walking after meals lowers insulin and blood sugar...two things which create weight gain, therefore walking after meals promotes weight loss! I love to walk with my husband and daughter after dinner, even if it’s dark out in the doldrums of winter. Just bundle up and grab a flashlight.
- Get a.m sunlight in your eyes and make it a morning routine – a must everyday in my health routine is watching the sun come no matter where I am. It only takes a couple minutes to get that sunrise in your eyes, which makes serotonin and dopamine for your day (think happy brain chemicals) and nourishing your skin and eyes. You will also find that seeing the sunrise in the morning helps you sleep better at night as it resets your circadian rhythm.
- Create a wind-down routine to help condition your body for sleep. Babies thrive on routine, and guess what – we are all just big, giant babies that still need a wind-down routine at night. Mine includes blue-blocking glasses when the sun goes down, a magnesium drink, red light therapy, and turning off devices while reading by red light. What’s yours?
- Get rid of sunglasses – Your eyes are the window to your soul….and your sleep….and your skin! Did you know that on days in full sun when you wear sunglasses, you are more prone to a sunburn? The glasses tell your brain that there is low sun and thereby your skin becomes more receptive to burning. (Sensitive to light? Simply wear a hat to shade your eyes from bright light), but save your sunglasses for the blue-light from your 70inch screen TV at night.
- Crying therapy or therapeutic crying. This is something I love to do for just a few minutes a day to process my grief, or past traumas that crop up, or any current stressors I am dealing with. We live in uncertain times and frankly there is not alot we have control of in this world. But we do have control over processing our emotions, and doing so is like cleaning your internal house from distress and fear. Simply put on a song that makes you teary-eyed or watch a video that is a tear-jerker for you and then let the tears flow. BONUS: Letting go of emotions also helps us let go of emotional weight.
- Pop smoothie ingredients into the blender cup so it’s just blend and go in the morning. If I’m pressed for time, I’ll just put all my protein smoothie ingredients in my blender cup the night before and then keep it in the fridge until morning, blend, and I’m out the door!
- Schedule an exquisite moment into every day. My favorite quote is by Audrey Hepburn…”I believe that everyday should have at least one exquisite moment in it.” What is your exquisite moment today?
- Take magnesium. If I could put “take magnesium” on my voicemail, I would because it’s literally something I absolutely think everyone would benefit from having more of. I myself take roughly 1000mg of mag a day! The more active you are, the more you need and the more stressed you are the more you will benefit from it.
- Try daily helping your body clear heavy metals. Our environment is bombarding us with heavy metals, and an easy way to clear small amounts out daily without detoxing too hard is with cilantro or coriander. Simply chop a head of cilantro and add it to your veggies for day (I love a shredded carrot and cilantro salad for digestion), as cilantro is a heavy metal chelator, meaning it pulls them out of your body. Not a cilantro fan? Try coriander in tea, such CCF tea (coriander, cumin, and fennel tea) can help not only pull out metals, but also helps with digestion too!
- Ask for help from a real person. In this day and age we just google issues, but what about building community by asking for help from someone you know and trust. What does your dad do when he is stressed? What does your best friend suggest you work on when it comes to your emotions? What is the best parenting advice your sister could give you? We are social creatures, and we need our village to help us navigate life, so ask questions and learn from people around you who are also learning life.
- Spend 1/3-1/2 or your day outdoors at the minimum. Ponder this: how much time are you indoors? How’s that working for you? Are you healthier than when you were a kid and you were outdoors alot? Perhaps it’s not a new diet you need, but a new environment! I plan much of my day (even my podcasts) outside so I can get fresh air and negative ions from water and trees to combat stress.
- Prepare and consume foods that love you back to lower nutritional stress on your system. Do beans give you gas? Then you are in an abusive relationship with that food. Do you feel great when you eat fruit? Then chances are your body has a great relationship with fruit. Just like it’s unhealthy to be in an abusive relationship, food is no different. If it hurts your gut, heart, or brain, it’s stressing you overall. Choose foods that love you back!
I hope you enjoy these tips I’m learning lately and I hope they encourage you to take steps towards optimizing your health and happiness in this chaotic world.
Need help navigating 2023……?
Reach out to me…

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