Final Week to Sign up!
Nutritionist Approved
Do you love SUP as much as I do? I would love to show you my love for SUP and I invite you to come get certified to teach what you love along with me!
This Saturday, May 30th is my on the water PaddleFit Core Certification. Sign up by clicking…

Prevention, Protection, and Staying Calm - COVID-19
Nutritionist Approved
Staying healthy at home is on the mind's of all of us currently, but we also need each other and we need answers, to learn how to prevent, protect, and keep ourselves calm during this pandemic. That's what this one hour video class is designed…

My Thoughts on The Current Public Health Concern...
Nutritionist Approved
“A machine that runs on a wide variety of fuels, emits on recyclable or biodegradable materials, accepts a wide range of informational inputs, performs amazing feats of data processing, and produces a wide variety of output functions may…

Puffiness & Weight Gain
Nutritionist Approved
You may have heard that conditions like diabetes and heart disease are on the rise, but what you may not have heard is that it’s really not about how much sugar one is consuming, but rather how much PUFA one…

Reasons You Aren't Losing Fat
Nutritionist Approved
Diet and exercise not cutting it? Here’s what you might be missing….
What’s in your hand, your pocket, on your bedside table while you sleep, an essentially everywhere you are?
The little rectangle we all carry around. More…

30 Day Total Body Reset
Nutritionist Approved
Ready to hit the reset button on your body?
Ready to lose the weight?Gain more energy than every before?Improve digestion and gut health?Enhance your sleep?Jumstart your metabolism!?
Sign up for the 30 Day Total Body Reset where you…

My Favorite Sauna - on sale!!
Nutritionist Approved
I had to make a special blog post about SaunaSpace's Pre-Black Friday EARLY sale where you get 20% off their saunas!
That's the most they typically offer off all year!
IF you've been thinking about getting the…

Latest Podcast...
Nutritionist Approved
Stubborn weight that won't budge?
Gut issues?
Want to learn how to have glowing skin that starts from within? Check out my latest podcast with Bunny, filmed live at The Weight Room & Fitness Studios where I teach classes. Listen,…

What Foods Are Aging You...
Nutritionist Approved
I know, I know, as a Nutrition Educator, I can be a kill-joy sometimes.... but if you've been wondering why your skin seems to be aging faster lately, I do want to point out to you the most damaging foods that are causing us to age faster,…

Walking Is the New Running...
Nutritionist Approved
Written by Jodelle Fitzwater, CPT, CNC, CFPC, NTPQuestion: What is the most underrated form of fitness to reach your goals in 2020?Answer: Walking. Sounds too good to be true? Here’s why it’s not.Steady state cardio, of which walking…

6 Week Weight & Wellness Class Series!
Nutritionist Approved
You can finally achieve epic results in 2020 with your health and fitness and this 6 Week Weight & Wellness Class series will help you get jumpstart your way there!
Check out this video and see for yourself! Classes begin January 4th…

10 Tips to Spring into Summer Shape
Nutritionist ApprovedRecently featured in FitLife Magazine....
As we embrace these longer days and warmer temps our bodies and minds can definitely feel primed and ready to get a jumpstart on our fitness goals and mean more opportunity to spring forward into…