Prepare to Take Care this Cold and Flu Season…

There’s a reason this time of year is so riddled with sicknesses, colds, and flus.

Did you know that the majority of sicknesses this time of year are due to lack of sunlight and low Vitamin D?  Yes, we become an indoor nation, the sun’s rays are at their lowest, and even if we are outside, we are as bundled as a newborn babe.

So what can you do to amp up immune function and keep Vitamin D levels and your immunity in check?  

1.  Get outside, even when it’s cold and keep your eyes open.  The eyes can absorb the sun’s rays too and help with Vitamin D synthesis. Be sure to do this without contact lenses or glasses on.  It’s not a matter of looking AT the sun, just letting the light filter into your eyes as you are out of doors.   If the weather isn’t so frightful, expose as much of your skin as possible and remain there for as long as you can.  Any amount can help, so do what you can.

2.  Eat grass-fed butter.  Butter is one of the few foods you can consume that has Vitamin D.  Cook with it, add it to coffee, and if you are like my toddler, simply eat a nice big tab!

3.  Make Salmon and Sardines a winter staple!  These wild-caught fish also aid the production of Vitamin D.  If you aren’t a fan of fish, or need it to be more ‘grab and go” try it in the jerky form!

Should you supplement with D?  Depends.  While most supplements don’t really hold up to their claims (except for this one I really love and use below), if it’s your only option (such as someone who can’t be out of doors, or can’t eat butter or fish), then supplementing with a good D3 + K2 is better than nothing.  Aim for 250IUs for every 25lbs of bodyweight to start.  

But again, grass-fed butter contains both D3+K2 all in one, so why not cook all your veggies in butter and switch your creamer to a blended buttery coffee!? 

Not into grass-fed butter, and don’t like to be outside or eat seafood? No worries, I have the perfect supplement for you. Click here: LIVE WISE Naturals Vitamin D3+K2

And this link saves you 10% on your very own bottle!


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