Anyone Can Exercise…and this revolutionary surface can assist you.

How many times have you watched a fitness infomercial or video and thought, “Yah, that looks like a good workout, but I can’t even get down to the floor…” or “I wish I could try yoga, but I can’t even touch my toes…” or perhaps you’ve thought, “I can’t even do one push-up, let alone 10.”

What if there was a fitness product that would finally “bring the floor to you” and allow you do try exercises you never dreamed possible?  Now, there is.  It’s called JUVO BOARD, and it will get you “on board” with your fitness goals and desires.


Juvo, in Latin, means “to assist or to support”.


And when the folks at Stamina Products, one of my favorite fitness companies, came to me and showed me the board, I knew that it could open up a world of different exercises to many whom I knew were struggling to find a way to stay fit with limited mobility, recovering from injuries, or just simply intimidated by most realms of fitness in general.  I jumped at the chance to help develop this board. Why?  My number one goal in the fitness industry is to assist and support all my clients in achieving their goals and making exercise accessible to all.  Therefore, I fully endorse the Juvo Board, because it stands behind this principle as well.

Juvo Board offers 3 various positions which equals out to wide variety of ways to utilize the board no matter what form of exercise someone is trying to achieve.

I always say, “The best form of exercise is the one you are going to do consistently, and be able to enjoy doing for life.”  The Juvo Board is finally going to give many that opportunity.  

Here are just a few ways the Juvo Board could assist and support you:

  • The Juvo Board will assist those with bad knees the ability to do a proper squat while keeping all the muscle action in the glutes, rather than the knees.
  • The Juvo Board brings the floor to you, if push-ups are not your thing.  Soon they will be as you find that the Juvo Elevate position allows you to perfect your form and gain strength before you ever need to do a push-up on the floor.
  • Push-ups coming naturally to you?  As you progress and build strength, you can challenge yourself by trying a push-up in the Juvo Balance position or even moving downward on the board in the Juvo Elevate position.
  • Yoga classes and videos are far too intimidating for many with limited mobility.  But what if the yoga mat came to you and elevated so you would have to bend as far?  That’s precisely what the Juvo Elevate position is all about. Warrior poses, forward folds, and even balancing poses are virtually effortless and highly accessible with the Juvo Board assisting you.
  • And if you are a stand up paddle enthusiast like myself, there is not a better product on the market today that mimics the instability of training on the water.  In the Juvo Balance position, you can simulate that exact core muscle recruitment of standing and paddling on water, on those rainy, cold days when you just can’t get out there on your SUP.


From weighted exercises where the Juvo Board can simulate an incline bench, or the sensation of balance ball, to barre workouts  that can even be done in a balance position (see pic above for example), to abdominal exercises where you don’t have to lie flat on your back, the possibilities are endless with Juvo Board. 

You might purchase yours for one exercise and find that it comes in handy for many.  That’s what happened to me.

Visit today and learn about our Kickstarter program that offers you a chance at being the first to have a Juvo Board in your home for an incredibly low, low price.

It won’t be that price for long, so if you are ready to attain fitness levels you never dreamed possible in an easily accessible and supported way, get “on board” with Juvo Board and get yours now!

Written by: Jodelle Fitzwater, ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, e-RYT200 Yoga Teacher, Certified PaddleFit Coach Trainer, and Pro Stand Up Paddle Athlete for BiC SUP, as well as Juvo Board Fitness Video Creator and Host

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