Pop-up Storms…


Summer always makes for interesting weather in the Midwest.  Storms pop up out of nowhere.  Bright and sunny one minute.

Torrential downpour and flash flooding the next.

Such is also our lives.

Just when life seems to be simply, breezing by with sunny skies and everyday is on your side, up pops something unforeseen.

A family crisis.

A new health diagnosis.

An argument and complete falling out with someone you love.

A tragedy.

A death.

Loss, divorce, watching someone you love go through something, and even a chronic illness or condition can turn your breezy, sunny days into storm clouds of thunder and darkness.

Storms come up out of no where both in our world, and in our lives, and just like the storms that pop up in the midwest, while you can’t escape them or even prevent them in any way, there is a way you can weather them.  For there is Someone, Something greater than you who sees the storms before you do and knows exactly what you need in order to find the rainbow on the other side.

Regardless of what you want to call that Someone greater than you, there is a name attached to it.  Ancient scriptures tell us our Creator had a name.  In Exodus 6:3, when Moses first spoke with God, God said, “I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as El Shaddai, but I did not make myself known to them by my name YHWH.”  Yahweh, Jehovah, Jah, Creator.  However you choose to acknowledge this Life Force, the important thing is, that you do.  For this Life Force is our shelter in the storms of life, the rock we cling to when the torrents of life try to rip us apart, the refuge we find when everyone else is gone and all hope seems lost.

You are not alone.  You do not have to face the darkness, the thunder and rain that pours upon you alone.  There is a great wing you can crawl under, soaking wet, and tired from the continual howling winds of change that life brings.  Let the warmth of this wing dry up your tears and give you a comfy place to lay your head.  Feel the protection, the surrounding sereneness of belonging to a greater energy than you or than anything else the world has to offer.  Then, begin a relationship with your Creator.

Talking about your storm.

Asking for guidance and wisdom to handle the darkness and fears surrounding the darkness.

Seek counsel as you dive into the inspiring scripture YHWH left here on this earth for us. Find comfort in a manual designed by this Life Force energy to help you live your life and weather any and all storms that pop up.

And about that rainbow? Yes, there will be a rainbow on the other side.  A calm after the storm.  There always is.  Think back on your life and how many storms you have weathered, and how looking back, the rainbow is now clearly seen, and the life lessons learned, the strength earned is a part of who you are today.

Where you are now…this too shall pass.  But not without the help of Someone who sees all, knows all, and is able to lovingly guide you through it all.

Psalm 91:4 – “He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”

Written by Jodelle, Inspired by the grace of Jah.

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