Taking Care of Our Relationships

Taking Care of Our Relationships


Women need women.   Men need the support of other men, and they need “male bonding time”, and women too, need the support and nurturing from other women, or in other words, need “female bonding time”.  Sometimes we just need that little oomph that only excess estrogen can provide, ya know?

From a personal stand point, my sister-in-law and I sometimes need excess estrogen time, and have a girl’s night out and get some time away  from the “testosterone” (and little needy cries for “Mom”) in our lives. And it’s so beneficial to us, because we get to build eachother up and do things that we both love doing, that our husbands would probably complain about, like getting a facial or buying out every flea market in the tai-state area, or just going to dinner and talking our heads off, and that is so good for our relationship.  If you want to get scientific about it, that good quality time spent together actually “releases endorphins that help to detoxify and de-stress the body,” physically, and get a lot of venting done, that help us de-stress mentally.  We are a support system for each other.  It goes together like latte’s and lipstick.

Every good relationship is a good support system. As loved and created beings, that is one our main tasks to support and encourage, pray for, and build-up one another.  Relationships do not merely form based on two people thinking that the other is  “cool to pal around with”.  Relationships form because the two people respect and understand each other. They both make an effort to encourage and support the other, and meet their needs, whether mental, emotional, or physical.  And similarly, this is the relationship we should be consisting of with our Creator too.  We respect our Creator and support His cause for us being here on earth by living out a purposeful life meeting the needs we were created for, and He too respects us enough to love us, provide for us, and provide for us.  He supports us and we support Him, no matter what; and we too can model that relationship in our friendships, our family lives and in anyone we come to form some sort of bond with.

Appreciate those that you share a special friendship, kinship, or bond with today. Remember to take the time and resources necessary to support them, and build them up.  Pray for them. Listen to them. And take care of them.  A supportive relationship with a loved one is like the bones in your body: they strongly support you, and hold you up under all circumstances, and without them you would surely fall.

1 Samuel 20:4 – Jonathan said to David, “Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it for you.”


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