12 Minute “Hot Mama” Tabata Workout

No excuses, moms.  I’ve put together a HIIT workout for you (High Intensity Interval Training, that is) of which you can do anytime, anywhere, at any level.


Intensity doesn’t mean IMPACT.  You can still be low impact, but high intensity and do it to your comfort level. HIIT training as been researched as a proven way to boost your mitochondria (the energy factories in your cells that burn fat for energy and boost your metabolic fire!)

And in as little as 12 minutes, you can work your body, with kiddos all around, in between loads of laundry, or on your break at the office.   So here it is:

Tabata style HIIT is this:  20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, completed in 8 rounds.

There will be 3 sets of alternating exercises.


1st set:  Push-ups and Squats 

Do a set of as many push-ups as you can in 20 seconds (either from your knees or toes, or against a wall).

Rest for 10 seconds. That’s round 1.

Do a set of as many squats as you can in 20 seconds (either sitting down and standing up or even jumping).

Rest for 10 seconds.  That’s round 2.

Repeat that until you have done 8 rounds alternating those two exercises.  Use a timer to help you. I like “IntervalTimer” in the app store.

2nd set:  Down Dog Shoulder Presses and Alternating Lunges. 

Do a set of as Down Dog Presses  as you can in 20 seconds (either with knees bent, legs straight, or elevated up on a coffee table or Juvo Board for modification).

Rest for 10 seconds.  That’s round 1.

Do a set of as many alternating lunges as you can in 20 seconds (if your knees bother you, use the Juvo Board, or set back into a reverse lunge).

Rest for 10 seconds. That’s round 2.

Repeat that until you have done 8 rounds alternating those two exercises.

3rd set: Tricep Dips (Or Push-ups with “high Fives”) and Sumo Squats.

Do a set of either Tricep Dips on a coffee table or chair (or push-ups on the wall or floor with an “air high five” in between each push-up) for as many as you can in 20 seconds.

Rest for 10 seconds. That’s round 1.

Do a set of Sumo Squats (just like it sounds, feet wide apart and turned out) as many as you can for 20 seconds.

Rest for 10 seconds. That’s round 2.

Repeat that until you have done 8 rounds alternating those two exercises.

That’s it!! Your done.  Fast and to the point. We worked upper and lower and you are now going to have more energy and build lean, strong muscles in no time.  Try this workout for two weeks straight every other day and take note of what you see.

A couple tips to keep in mind:

  • For more thrill-seeking “hot mamas” add jumps to your squats and lunges.
  • For a softer approach, do your push-ups at a wall, against a table or desk, and go at your own pace.
  • Drink plenty of water before and after, and for a pump of energy before you HIIT, try Keto OS Maui Punch, my favorite new mental and physical fat loss and energy booster.
  • Do this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach if you can.  Get up before the kiddos and get it  done.  You know if you don’t, something will come up, or someone will be puking, or someone will lose their dolly, or some sort of explosive blowout will occur and you won’t get it in.  So do it early!

Soon, I’ll try to upload a complete workout video of this to my “jodellefit” youtube channel, so I can walk you through it, so stay tuned!

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